Thursday, 7 September 2023

Petition to stop the demolition of Marilyn Monroe's house

***UPDATE*** since posting this last night, the permit to go ahead with demolition was granted. While this is a devastating piece of news, members across the Marilyn community are doing all they can to prevent the pull down from happening. People with connections and reach are working from all angles and there's still more we can collectively do. 

Council Woman Traci Park of California deals with the district Marilyn's home falls under. She can be reached by email at for people to oppose the permit. If you choose to email her please be respectful and kind as members of Traci's team have already made it clear that they are doing everything they can to save this home.

The petition is also still valid. The link and my original post can be found below:


After the dress debacle and the travesty of 'Blonde', there has now been a request for planning permission to demolish Marilyn's house by its current owner in order to build a modern much bigger construction.

Her material and cultural legacy has really taking a beating in the past year and now this could possibly wipe out a location that means so much to so many fans of both Marilyn and pop culture history. Its amazing that we still have this link to her and it never passed my mind that her home at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive could be destroyed. I mean, she's Marilyn Monroe, she's an icon!

This is the first house she ever owned and marked a turning point in her life where she was finding growth personally and professionally. It is also the place where she died. 

Arguably with the cult around her death being equally as lucrative as the celebration of her life and career, surely this house counts for something? 

There has been a petition set up to try and stop the demolition and turn the home into a Monroe museum akin to Graceland.

Personally, I have mixed feelings about it becoming a museum because of the death aspect. I think it would have to be handled with extreme sensitivity and as a museum focus on her life and successes rather than become a morbid pilgrimage for the general public.  That said, if the petition can do anything to stop the destruction of a cultural landmark and a place that Marilyn was so excited to own and make hers, then I'm all for sharing it.

Please consider adding your name to save a piece of history

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