Monday, 14 November 2011

My Week With Marilyn

I am soooo excited about this new film! Based on the true story of junior assistant producer Colin Clarke's unbelievable week long relationship with Marilyn Monroe during the filming of The Prince and the Showgirl in 1957 England. I recently re-read the book in preparation!

My Week With Marilyn is like having a new Marilyn film coming out in my life time; impossible, amazing, exciting and slightly worrying. Like many MM fans I am extremely protective of her, this woman who left the world years before I entered it. I've grown up watching her, studying her photos and reading every book I find about her. In short Marilyn has helped shape my ideas of glamour performance and artifice. She encompasses my obsession with femininity! And what's more, I really like her, not just her image, her personality traits too.

It's an understatement to say that the mark Marilyn left on this world goes far deeper than that of a moviestar. Her reach has profoundly altered her fans, uplifted them, inspired them and touched them. Marilyn's creativity and personal story shines on and on...

On viewing the trailer for My Week With Marilyn I felt a small shiver run down my spine, Michelle Williams seems to really get her. Rather than focusing on the sex kitten image (which I have a horrid feeling Naomi Watts will try to capture in her upcoming MM picture Blonde) Williams has keyed into MM's vulnerable side and her complex state of mind. This can really be seen in the shots used to promote the film.

This is certainly no looky-likey performance yet I feel Williams ability to tap into Marilyn's psyche will do more than any amount of bleach and lipstick could ever achieve in doing her justice. I found this interesting talk featuring many of Hollywood's big names sitting around chatting about their work, Here Williams describes her transformation into MM and her own feelings about the star's personality.

It's fascinating stuff. I hope with all my fingers and toes crossed this film lives up to my expectations! 


Narcissique said...

This seems very interesting! I hope to see it subtitled in spanish, otherwise I won't understand the film at all...

Gemma Parker said...

I hope you get to see the film and enjoy it!

Tucker C said...

Great reading your bllog post

Kale Solis said...

I am looking forward to seeing Michelle William’s portrayal of Marilyn Monroe.