Monday, 11 November 2019

The Page Dipper

I recently started up a new blog called The Page Dipper. It's a place where I write reviews and general thoughts about the books I've read.

I love to read about fiction, biographies, history and art and sometimes a book will stay with me because of the ideas it's shaken up or the feelings it's evoked. Often I'll start telling my friends and family about something I've read or am currently reading because I just need to share! So I thought, why not put that need into a blog and post those thoughts out there?

Please go and take a look HERE. It's early days yet so I'm still playing with layout and themes for the look of the blog and I'm still figuring out how to write about each book I read so each post is different in tone at this point. However I'd love to know if you've read the same books or similar and what your thoughts are so please leave comments and interact with The Page Dipper!

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