Taking a little break from my art work; This Sunday The Chantilly Bellles burlesque double act are performing at The Lowry in Salford at the Comedy 4 Christies event all in aid of Christies Hospital! We will be unwrapping our brand new monstrous act 'Chantillystein!' for the first time and performing alonside such comedy genius as Justin Moorhouse and Barbara Nice from Channel Four's award winning Phoenix Nights!
As we are keeping the details of this act secret until it's big debut all I can really reveal is that we have taken much inspiration from horror classics including The Bride Of Frankenstein! and this promises to be a brilliantly fun night!
Tickets cost £15 and can be bought from www.thelowry.com, the show starts at 8.00pm.
Tickets cost £15 and can be bought from www.thelowry.com, the show starts at 8.00pm.
A bit about The Bride!:
It was the stunning Elsa Lanchester who played the Bride in the 1935 film made by Universal Studios. Although she made many films after The Bride of Frankenstein she will always be remembered for it as her defining moment. An unconventional beauty Lanchester was the perfect choice for the Monster's love interest. Her iconic hair flashed with white from the lightening bolts which gave her life was created by fixing a cage to her head and building hair pieces and her own hair around it.
It was the stunning Elsa Lanchester who played the Bride in the 1935 film made by Universal Studios. Although she made many films after The Bride of Frankenstein she will always be remembered for it as her defining moment. An unconventional beauty Lanchester was the perfect choice for the Monster's love interest. Her iconic hair flashed with white from the lightening bolts which gave her life was created by fixing a cage to her head and building hair pieces and her own hair around it.

Make up artist Jack P Pierce created the electric hairstyle and iconic make up for the film. Lanchester was later to remeber how Pierce took his work very seriously, wearing a white surgical smock while taking hours to perfect one of her neck scars that could be bought 'for ten cents from a joke shop'. Whatever he was like his work is amazing.
The actual film has been said by some to exceed that of the original 'Frankenstein' from 1931. It is a fab film and very funny in places, high camp and over acting abound, but if you are hoping to see a lot the Bride then you may be disappointed as she only appears in the last FIVE MINUTES! It just goes to prove how iconic her role was to cause such a stir and remain so influencial for over 70 years! I think she is beautiful.
For more info, 'Monsters: A celebration of the Classics From Universal Studios' is a great read!
The actual film has been said by some to exceed that of the original 'Frankenstein' from 1931. It is a fab film and very funny in places, high camp and over acting abound, but if you are hoping to see a lot the Bride then you may be disappointed as she only appears in the last FIVE MINUTES! It just goes to prove how iconic her role was to cause such a stir and remain so influencial for over 70 years! I think she is beautiful.
For more info, 'Monsters: A celebration of the Classics From Universal Studios' is a great read!
The event sounds so exciting!! I love the Bride of Frankenstein!
I know what you mean i have always wondered why some call the monster Frankenstein, when Frankenstein himself was the monster.....Lovely photo 's of the bride..Have fun it sound's gr8
hey my lovely friend Gem! I have overcome my complete lack of knowledge and fear of blogs to leave you this message! Your work never fails to impress me and your website is the best the net will ever see, well done to the both of you on another brill 'Belles' performance, love you loads X
i love all kind of comedy, for me it is really fun and entertainment.
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